Sunday, 12 December 2010

Dare2Care Wales – who are we and how can we help you?

We’ve been asking our Facebook fans, blog readers and Twitter followers to tell us about their experience of care and social work, so we thought it was about time we told you about us!

We want to give Welsh care workers a chance to use websites like Facebook and Twitter to learn more about the industry and share experiences.

Our Dare2CareWales project is a joint initiative across the four Regional Social Care Partnerships in Wales and aims to promote the Care Council for Wales Code of Practice for Care Workers & Employers and get feedback on how the code reflects their day-to-day work. The project also aims to hear about the experiences of carers and those who receive care.

Penny Copner, Social Care Partnership Co-ordinator at Monmouthshire County Council, is one of the team who talks to care workers on Facebook and Twitter.

She said:

“We really want to hear real life issues that affect those who work in and receive care.

“The Care Council for Wales identified an opportunity to use social media to engage with the social care workforce and help with their need to understand their responsibilities.

“Our team is working together, using social media to give us an opportunity to talk to people in places they already visit.  People will be able to contact us conveniently and we’ve tried to make information informal and relevant. 

“We are really looking forward to hearing the views and experiences of those dedicated people who work so hard to care for people in Wales and from the people who they work with.

“We hope anyone with an interest in care will comment on our blog so we can give the Care Council for Wales some real life stories and data that they can use to inform their work.  Also, by sharing experiences we hope that we can all learn from each other and be able to offer each other advice.

"We believe care should be safe, it should show dignity and respect and quality care should be given."

The project is a joint initiative between the four Regional Social Care Partnerships in Wales and has been funded by the Care Council for Wales and is managed and moderated by the Partnership Co-ordinators (Jane Guest (Mid Wales), Annie O’Reilly (SW Wales), Penny Copner (SE Wales), Clare Hughes (NW) and Helen Reynolds the Communications Officer at Monmouthshire County Council.

Please don't be shy - tell us what you think or ask us a question!



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